New Montage Vid

Ok, so I love Hall & Oates.  I am also quite good at playing Call of Duty games some might say.  Hence, my latest Youtube montage video was born featuring a remix to the H&O classic, “Out of Touch”.   Due to the majority of my gamer friends giving me crap about never playing anymore I felt the audio for the video was quite fitting, along with the fact the music in Black Ops 2 is pretty much electronica/dubstep anyways.

Here’s to you fellas.  I’m not out of touch, I’m just out of time.  DUECES!

TWD Episode 315 – “This Sorrowful Life”


Apparently I need to stay away from social media the entire week prior to a new Walking Dead episode, going forward.  I had heard rumors of what was to happen in last night’s episode but did not dig further after seeing a few comments that could have possibly been spoilers.  I should have learned from Episode 4 when Instagram completely ruined the T-Dog and Lori deaths for me before the show aired.  Regardless, anytime a new WD episode focuses the story around a certain character, bad things are about to happen.  Last night’s episode centered around Merle Dixon was no exception.  RIP MERLE!  He really went out like a BOSS.

Credit Margenes for the gifs.

TWD Mobile Wallpaper

Here is a high resolution image I modified in Photoshop from a screen cap of the upcoming “The Walking Dead” Episode 315, “This Sorrowful Life”. Being the obsessive TWD fan that I am, I tend to change up my iPhone backgrounds quite a bit depending on whats going on in the current TV storyline. Enjoy!





The Walking Dead Girls

Absolutely could not pass up the chance to meet Danai Gurira and Laurie Holden at the most recent Dallas Sci-Fi Expo.  Emma Bell, who played Amy on season 1 was also there but unfortunately I was in a rush and missed out on seeing her.  Danai was so nice and I thanked Laurie for taking the time to make it out for the Sunday schedule.  Here’s a picture my girlfriend and I took with them that I eventually filtered and cropped for my facebook timeline.  Her son was also in the picture but alas, he was too short for the facebook timeline size.  OMG OMG OMG.  I couldn’t stop thinking that for hours afterwards.


2Pac – Staring Through my Rearview (feat Phil Collins)

Here is a remix I produced back in 2006 for my 2Pac mixtape entitled, “LEGEND”.  This was an album I completed from the ground up (full production) over a span of about 8 months and then released free of charge online through various hip hop and 2Pac message boards.  The video here was for the bonus track and the only one on the album that did not contain a beat fully created by myself.  This being a blend, I made noticeable modifications for anyone familiar with the original versions of the tracks.  Obviously the original 2Pac track sampled “In the Air Tonight” by Phil Collins.  I blended that track into Staring through my Rearview and then layered the London Royal Philharmonic Orchestra over it.  In the 2Pac/Hip Hop online community I went by Warpath and this track was one of the most popular creations I ever contributed to his ongoing fanbase and Legacy.

Yoshitaka Amano


Here are 2 pretty cool interpretations of Batman and Superman by legendary Japanese artist Yoshitaka Amano. I have been a huge fan of Amano’s work since I picked up Final Fantasy VI for Super Nintendo back in the mid 90’s. Mr. Amano has been doing the Final Fantasy artwork for years and has done the logo and art for almost every game in the series.


Walking Dead – S3 Ep. 2 Rambles

IMO – Episode 2 was awesome. The producers of the show are really turning Rick into Shane, which is a good thing considering most of us know the Governor is coming. Loved the machete moment with Rick and the prisoner, as well as when Herschel stopped breathing. The most intense moment of the night for me was watching Carol lift up the walkers dress. Wasn’t sure what to expect and wasn’t sure if I wanted to see it anyways. Can’t wait for more Michonne scenes next week, along with the first appearance of the Governor and the return of good ol’ Merle. Prediction of the season: Daryl sides with Rick after the inevitable reunion with the aforementioned. Bring on Ep. 3!

Felicia Day – The Hover Hand


So I met Felicia Day this past Saturday at Dallas Comic-Con Fan Days. What can I say? Just an awesome person overall and very personable, even to the most annoying strangers. (Unlike myself, of course). This explained why out of all the guests and celebs there, she easily had the longest line. Being a huge fan of the Guild, I had to meet her. After telling her my friend was giving me a lot of crap about the picture we had taken earlier in the day and that it looked like I did the “hover hand” on her back – I absolutely wanted to take another one. Felicia said OK, it does look like a nice presentable prom picture so lets do this, lets get our hover on!
